

Shoreline Services


Owning shoreline along the Mississippi is a privilege few are able to hold, and property owners on Lake Onalaska and the river in general take pride in their property along with the views and memories that owning waterfront provides.  SMS is ready to work with homeowners on any project involving their shoreline.  Whether it’s the spring flood or a windy day we know from experience what the lake can wash up onto your shoreline. 

Clean Up


Let us come in and do the dirty work for you and clean up the mess that mother nature leaves behind.  Or if you want to promote a natural environment by removing invasive trees and plants SMS will work with you to create a plan that can be submitted to the Corp of Engineers for approval.  Creating sustainable and healthier lakes and rivers is what SMS strives for.

Tree Removal


SMS also offers tree removal along the shoreline whether its washed up on shore or its a standing tree we can remove it for you.  SMS crane barge enables us to fell and remove trees close to the shoreline with little to no disturbance to lawns.



If you are ever encountered with the unfortunate circumstance of needing to salvage sunken or submerged property SMS will do their best to recover it.  Whether it’s a boat or dock during soft water season or a car or 4-wheeler during hard water season SMS will likely have a solution.

Rip Rap


Living on a river/lake system means dealing with current, waves, rising and falling water levels and ice.  Those forces can wreak havoc on your shoreline throughout the year.  Placing rip rap can help secure your shoreline from mother natures wrath.  SMS offers several different solutions for rip rap and is sure to have a solution that will work on your shoreline.  Placing rip rap is not as easy as throwing a pile of rocks on the shore however.  More importantly than the rocks that we place is the preparation underneath them. Much like a house, rip rap is only as strong as its foundation.



SMS’s work barge will be able to perform an array of services.  Equipped with a knuckle boom crane with over 30’ of reach we will be able to reach, lift, pound, pull and scoop.  Whatever Marine Service you have a need for we will try our best to fulfill it.